Saddle Fitting

If you can move in harmony and in balance with your horse, you can enable him to perform at his best. Saddles were invented to help people ride comfortably and keep their balance. Your saddle should make it easier for you to move with your horse and should not compromise your horse's comfort or freedom of movement.

Saddle Fitting

My aim is to fit a saddle that enables you to ride to the best of your ability and does not compromise your horse's movement.

Your saddle can be an early warning tool too. If your saddle starts tipping to one side more than the other and the saddle itself and the girth are symmetrical, this may be a sign that your horse is not moving symmetrically. Early identification might mean you can resolve an issue before it becomes a problem.

On a saddle check-up, I'll test your saddle for safety and suitability and your horse for any signs of soreness in the saddle area and I'll ask you for lots of background information. I'll check if your saddle looks like a good fit while your horse is standing still and in motion. Ideally, I'll want to see your horse move in hand or on the lunge before being ridden, so I can get an idea of how he moves and if that changes when he has a rider onboard. On a first visit, I'd normally like to allow an hour and a half for this, but repeat check-ups will normally take less time.

If I identify a problem with your saddle, which I cannot resolve via alteration, I will try to provide a temporary stop-gap solution that will help until you can get a new saddle or get the issue resolved by the saddle manufacturer, a master saddler or a more experienced saddle fitter. I do not sell saddles, but I do keep a stock of saddle pads. I am happy to work with veterinarians, body-workers and coaches as needed get to the bottom of a problem that goes beyond the fit of the saddle alone. If I identify a problem that does not appear to be caused by the saddle, I will flag this to you, so you can get it checked out and/or diagnosed by a professional qualified in the relevant field. For saddle fitting consultations and alterations, I charge:

  • £50 for a first saddle-fitting consultation (£40 for check-ups thereafter)
  • £20 for a flocking top-up
  • £120 for a full re-flock (removal and replacement of all flocking)

I also offer a saddle valeting service, which includes:

  • Thorough clean and condition
  • Polish buckles
  • Check stitching and leather for damage and wear
  • Check panels for symmetry and consistency
  • Check tree for movement and noises
  • I'll let you know if I find anything that may need attention from the manufacturer or a qualified saddler

I charge £15 for this, plus an extra £5 for pick up and drop off from your yard if needed (a 24hr turnaround can be arranged if you don't want to be without your saddle for long).